Do you want to know where to buy Webkinz? Or want some good tips about the games? Or want to know which Webkinz are really retired (not just rumors)? Visit my website often to get great info for Webkinz collectors you won't find anywhere else.

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Newly Retired Webkinz

Five Webkinz were officially retired recently: The Orange and White Cat, The Horse, the Bassett Hound, the Pegasus, and the St. Bernard.
I shared a tip about two of those--check out my page on Retired Webkinz by clicking on the navigation button at the top of the page.

New Webkinz
Do you want to know about the new Webkinz coming out?

Stores are now recieiing the German Shepard.
The seasonal Black Cat came out for Halloween and a Reindeer is coming for Christmas and there will be a "Love Frog" for Valentines Day 2008. (I would imagine the Love Puppy for Valentines Day 2007 will become more valuable since it is not being made again right now--but no guarantees.)
The Pinto horse, a Brown Arabian Stallion, a Yellow Lab, a Colllie dog, a Duck, and the Lil'Kinz Bassett Hound and the Lil'Kinz St. Bernard that will be re-released are coming soon.
There will also be a Seal, a Penguin and a Turtle.

There are 24 Webkinz Charms and a necklace and bracelet and lip glass for girls.

Store of the Day:

Ruggles Hallmark in Burbank California has a lot of Webkinz and they will ship to you. They charge $11.99 for Webkinz. Their phone number is 818 843-3557.

My Collection:
I sold my Cheeky Dog and Cheeky Cat on Ebay, but I stilI have one Cheeky Cat. I also have one of the !st Edition Grey and White Cats with no "W" that are really rare and hard to find.
You can still find Cheeky Cats even though they are retired.

Click on my Where to Buy? page for some places that sell them.
Which Webkinz Will Retire Next?
I'll share a tip on this.
Webkinz World Tips
How to get more Kinz Cash.

What are Your Webkinz Worth?
Of course if you like Webkinz, they are worth more than money, but here are some simple steps to help you figure out the dollar value of your collection.

Send in Your Tips
Are you a retailer with Webkinz in stock? Or a collector with a good tip to share? Send in your tip on the contact us page.

Webkinz Collectors is a private site and is not endorsed by GANZ.  All Webkinz images and names are trademarked by GANZ.

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